Wine, fun & Network


Crina Diculescu Autism Voice

55% Complete
550 RON
Donations raised
1,000 RON
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I am Crina and I am inviting all wine connoisseurs to attend our Wine Tasting and Virtual Networking Event, to learn about wine and connecting with people like you!

Tired of rattling around home looking for an excuse for a glass of wine? Here is our solution: have an online tutored wine tasting at home.
Dynamic Business Connections is ready to host our first networking event online, a relaxing yet inspiring evening, with online networking and wine tasting, brought to you in collaboration with Domeniul Bogdan and Autism Voice.
The story of Domain Bogdan started in 2011, when they planted vineyards in Dobrogea, in Murfatlar D.O.C., near Peștera village, an area with the longest tradition in viticulture and vinification in the Carpato-Danubiano-Pontic Space. Their long-term vision is to integrate sustainable biodynamic agriculture and the newest technologies of wine production, in order to achieve the objective: the production of outstanding wines.

By participating to this event, you will have the chance to:
- Learn about food and wine pairing methodology
- Understand how to enjoy your favourite wines
- How to taste and smell if a wine is good or not

The wines we will learn about are: Domeniul Bogdan Organic Cuvee Christian, Domeniul Bogdan Cuvee Experience Alb, Domeniul Bogdan Cuvee Experience Rose, Domeniul Bogdan Primordial Chardonnay, Domeniul Bogdan Cuvee Experience Rosu

You can order the wine that will be presented during the event, by accessing the following link:

We recomend you to not open the wines until the event.

Meet our Sommeliers:
Daniel Costache, has been on the wine scene for nearly 7 years. He is currently Wine Sales Director at Domeniul Bogdan winery.
He is a firm believer in the value of organic, biodynamic wines and is known as a very charismatic and entertainer at his wine events.
Vlad Burugă, sommelier for more than 8 years, national champion in 2015. He graduated from the Faculty of Biotechnology and Master of winemaking from USAMV Bucharest.

Register for the event here:

Be a part of our online networking event, enjoy a fantastic variety of wines delivered to your home, network with a great group of people, and help a great cause all at the same time, Autism Voice Association, that is helping since 2008 children with autism be recuperated and integrated in society.

50% of all wine purchases for this event is donated to Autism Voice.

Any participant can donate for the children right here!

Read the story below or recommend this campaign to your friends.

in benefit of


Autism Voice

Ce au in comun copiii, grija, zambetele, bucuria si autismul?

Autism Voice.



1 din 54 de copii este diagnosticat in prezent cu autism. Poate fi copilul oricui. Poate fi chiar al tau. Si este izolat la domiciliu de peste o luna de zile fara terapie, fara recuperare, fara integrare sociala. Daruieste-ti ziua de nastere pentru ca specialistii Autism Voice sa poata ajuta orice familie cu copii cu autism sa aiba suportul gratuit de care au mare nevoie perioada asta!

Te-ai săturat să stai acasă căutând un motiv pentru un pahar de vin? Te-ai săturat să nu poți ieși la o socializare pentru a cunoaște oameni noi sau a vorbi cu prieteni vechi? Nu-i nimic. Invităm toți cunoscătorii de vin și nu numai să participe la un eveniment aparte #insigurantaacasa, in data de 13 mai, pentru petrecerea unui timp excelent de conectare si incursiune in arta somel


4 Donations

Draga Nicoleta, cum iti spuneam si in e-mail, m-am inscris la eveniment, insa ma aflu inca in workshopul unde sunt speaker pe Marketing. Donez aici cu drag si sper sa primesc invitatie si la urmatorul eveniment. Cu drag, Simona
13 May 2020


150 RON
12 May 2020
11 May 2020
07 May 2020
Crina Diculescu : Autism Voice
Wine, fun & Network